ICES-003 Issue 7 于2020年10月15日发布,过渡期1年,于2021年10月15日强制执行。 主要的更新参考如下: 1. 标准标题更新; changed title of the standard from Information Technology Equipment (Including Digital Apparatus) — Limits and Methods of Measurement to Information Technology Equipment (including Digital Apparatus) 2. 增加对无线充的测试要求; added requirements for devices with wireless power transfer functionality (section 1.3) 3. 删除了对ICES-Gen要求,一般要求全部参考ICES-Gen, 如果要求与ICES-003冲突的**使用ICES-003的要求;如果引用参考的标准与本标准有冲突的,**使用ICES-003的标准; removed requirements that are specified in ICES-Gen and referred to ICES-Gen for all general requirements (section 2.2) 4. 移除之前的可选限值(CISPR或FCC的限值),ICES-003规定了统一的限值,但是同时可以使用CISPR或者ANSI标准的测试方法。 removed the alternative limits (ICES-003 now has only one set of limits), while continuing to allow either the CISPR or ANSI test methods (section 3)